Traditional/Cultural Programs

Its priority populations are all people of Indigenous ancestry and their families in the District of Temiskaming, with a special focus on children, youth, women, families, and Elders.

The catchment area of the Mino M’shki-ki Indigenous Health Team is the District of Temiskaming, including surrounding First Nations.

The Mino M’shki-ki Indigenous Health Team provides Indigenous traditional and Western health services to prevent, promote, diagnose, treat, and support Indigenous Peoples and their families throughout the life cycle.

The Mino M’shki-ki Indigenous Health Team uses both urban-based and land-based sites in Kirkland Lake and Temiskaming Shores.

In Kirkland Lake, it operates as part of the Keepers of the Circle Indigenous community hub run by TNWSG. Land-based programming is offered as part of Beaverhouse First Nation’s Dorothy Lake camp.

In Temiskaming Shores, it operates out of a warm and welcoming space within the Temiskaming Hospital, governed by a reconciliation-based partnership agreement. Land-based programming is offered on land located on Lake Temiskaming, which was gifted by the Municipality of Temiskaming Shores.

Cultural Programs:

  • Full Moon Ceremony

  • Walking Out Ceremony

  • Preparation to Rites of Passage Ceremony

  • Sweat Lodge Ceremony

  • Anishinabek Names and Clans

  • Women Teaching

  • Men’s Group (ex. drumming sharing circle)

  • Youth Night

  • Family Teachings

  • Water/Berry Teaching

  • Medicine Picking

  • Seasonal Harvesting

  • Drumming

  • Fire Talk

  • Dancing Teachings

  • Regalia Making (Men/Women/Children)

  • Traditional Skirt making

  • Medicine Pouch making and teaching

  • Birch Bark offering dish

  • Beading Classes

  • Camping retreat

  • Language gathering



To provide health services in an “Indigenous way”, the Elders Council has encouraged the MINO M’SHKI-KI INDIGENOUS HEALTH TEAM to go back to our “old ways”, our traditional ways. There was a time when our people were healthy and strong, and the wisdom that kept us that way is still present, we simply have to put it into practice. To honour this guidance, the Indigenous Leaders Circle has chosen the moose as its symbol for the Mino M’shki-ki Indigenous Health Team. Here’s why…

In this territory, the moose was the foundation for our people’s health and wellbeing:

The moose was our primary food source. During the winter when the land could no longer provide our main sustenance through plants, our people would rely on the moose for nutrition. Our old people tell us that we do not hunt the moose, rather the moose gives itself to us for our nourishment and sustenance. The moose is there to save the people. Our relationship with the moose represents our mutual support for the life of the other.

When the herds would move, their movement impacted us. We understood profoundly our interconnectedness to moose and to its vitality. When the moose were healthy, we were also healthy. This understanding highlights the Indigenous view of health: that in order for individuals to be healthy, the community and environment must also be healthy.

Even today, our people still rely on the moose for food and resources – supplementing groceries, especially when income is low. As we seek to reclaim our old ways, it helps to start with ones where we still have a connection. The moose is that connection between our past, present, and future.

Our team honours the moose-medicine teachings and gives our time, skills and abilities to the health and wellbeing of the Indigenous people in the District of Temiskaming. No matter what our area of expertise is, we actively incorporate the wisdom of Indigenous teachings. This is our team’s commitment to quality healthcare provision.

Our Values

Our values are the Seven Grandfather Teachings.


Humility – Dbaadendiziwin:

Humility is to know that you are a sacred part of creation. Live life selflessly and not selfishly. Respect your place and carry your pride with your people and praise the accomplishments of all. Do not become arrogant and self-important. Find balance within yourself and all living things.


Bravery – Aakwa’ode’ewin:

To face life with courage is to know bravery. Find your inner strength to face the difficulties of life and the courage to be yourself. Defend what you believe in and what is right for your community, family and self. Make positive choices and have conviction in your decisions. Face your fears to allow yourself to live your life.

footprint in the sand

Honesty – Gwekwaadziwin:

To walk through life with integrity is to know honesty. Be honest with yourself. Recognize and accept who you are. Accept and use the gifts you have been given. Do not seek to deceive yourself or others.


Wisdom – Nbwaakaawin:

To cherish knowledge is to know wisdom. Use your inherent gifts wisely and live your life by them. Recognize your differences and those of others in a kind and respectful way. Continuously observe the life of all things around you. Listen with clarity and a sound mind. Respect your own limitations and those of all of your surroundings. Allow yourself to learn and live by your wisdom.


Truth – Debwewin:

Truth is to know the importance of both the journey and the destination. Apply faith and trust in your teachings. Show honour and sincerity in all that you say and do. Understand your place in this life and apply that understanding in the way that you walk. Be true to yourself and all other things.


Respect – Mnaadendimowin:

To honour all creation is to have respect. Live honourably in teachings and in your actions towards all things. Do not waste and be mindful of the balance of all living things. Share and give away what you do not need. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Do not be hurtful to yourself or others.


Love – Zaagidwin:

To know love is to know peace. View your inner-self from the perspective of all teachings. This is to know love and to love yourself truly. Then you will be at peace with yourself, the balance of life, all things and also with the creator.

4 Sacred Medicines



Sweetgrass is the sacred hair of Mother Earth. Its sweet aroma reminds people of the gentleness, love and kindness she has for the people. Sweetgrass has a calming effect. It is used for smudging and purification. Sweetgrass sits in the northern.



Tobacco is used as an offering, in ceremony and prayer. Tobacco is always offered first to Elders and Healers when seeking help or guidance. It is put down before picking medicines. Tobacco sits in the eastern door.



Sage is used to prepare people for ceremonies and teachings. Sage is used for releasing what is troubling the mind and for removing negative energy. Sage is commonly used for smudging. It is also used for cleansing homes and sacred items. Sage sits in the western door.



Cedar has many restorative medicinal uses. A bath in cedar water can be healing. Cedar is used to purify the home and in fasting and sweat lodge ceremonies as a form of protection. For example, cedar branches cover the floor of the sweat lodge. Cedar sits in the southern door.